Saturday, June 27, 2009

Interesting and exciting day!

Saturday started with a trip to Kushibu and of course a first stop with the new chief. The chief had just been "enskinned" or installed, and he received the team, so all is well. Maybe more than well for some. He would not speak directly to team, he said that Colton would be his mouthpiece.

He also noticed that there are several girls on the team. He said that two of them could be his wives. Cheryl can choose. Cheryl hasn't yet decided who the lucky brides will be.

The team also spent time at the Heritage Baptist Church and went to see a demo of the grinding mill. These two things are landmarks for the people in this region and examples of God's work when we are obedient.

Next the team went back to Tamale and went the cultural center (market). Get ready mom and dad, Caleb and Cameron have purchased their machetes.

In the evening the team went to Sankpem for the first crusade. The movie "HOPE" was shown. At least 10, maybe 12 people accepted Christ.

Before returning to Tamale, the team ate Ghanaian food in Sankpem. They had Tizit with groundnut and okra soup. Try to find that on the dollar menu!

The end to a long but great day.


Anonymous said...

Many prayers go with you.

Anne Mateer said...

So glad you made inroads with the new chief and that things are going well.

Stephanie said...

HAHA I love it. Praying for you!!